Allison’s Budget Friendly Iced Coffee

I am a black cup of coffee kind of girl in the morning. I don’t add any creamer or sugar to my coffee because I want it strong and hot in the morning. However, when I’m ready for that afternoon cup of coffee, I start craving some sweet, cold coffee. I have started making this recipe to curb that craving and to save money from buying a cup from the coffee shop. This recipe is definitely more than half the cost of Starbucks iced coffee.

What you need:

  • Freshly brewed coffee- hot or cooled down. ( I usually used the leftover coffee from the morning’s brew)
  • water
  • ice
  • brown sugar
  • favorite milk(s) I use a combination of oat milk and almond milk

First thing to do is make the syrup. There are many ways you can change the flavor of your syrup. I sometimes add different extracts to the syrup to give my coffee a different flavor. You can add vanilla extract or almond extract. I also will add some cinnamon to it sometimes to give it a good flavor. Be creative…try new things…and go with what sounds good to you.

On medium heat, in a small saucepan, combine 4 tablespoons of brown sugar with 6 tablespoons of water (add any other flavors in the pan at this time too). Stir together and stir frequently to make sure it doesn’t burn. Bring the mixture to a slight boil and remove it from the heat. The mixture should be slightly thick.

Fill up a tall cup full of ice. Add a desired amount of the syrup to the cup of ice. I usually use half of my syrup from the saucepan for a 20 ounce drink. Next, add your black coffee. I usually add about 3/4 cup to a whole cup of coffee. Finally, fill the rest of the cup up with your desired milk(s). I add about 1/2 cup almond and 1/2 cup oat milk.

The reason I am giving you an estimate of what to add is because its all based on your preference. This recipe is very fluid and can be played with given on what your prefer and how you want your coffee to taste. But it is budget friendly and will curb that sweet iced coffee craving. Give it a try and tell me what you think. Also, share your yummy combination of flavors.

picture of drinking sweet cold coffee
sign off for simply life with allison