Rhett Oliver : 6 Months
Six months! Oh where has time gone? I feel like it was yesterday that we were waiting on your arrival. Here you are at six months rolling over, smiling, giggling, and reaching for the dog’s nose as he licks the banana remnants off of your face. I have to say, that in these 26 weeks that Rhett has been here he 100% belongs to our crew.

We went to the doctor for Rhett’s 6 month checkup recently. His growth charts are looking great! Just like his sisters he is measuring smaller in height, but that’s not out of the ordinary. All of our children have measured lower percentages in height. Fernando and I are not super tall which means that our children probably won’t be either…Rhett seems to be following that trend.

Rhett has not quite progressed to the stage of sleeping through the night. Some nights he will wake up only one time, other nights he will wake up two to sometimes three times…those nights are rough and I definitely feel it the next day (bring me the coffee). Usually when he is going through a growth spurt or a development phase the night wakings are more frequent. Four months was ROUGH…I am not going to lie. I am unsure how I functioned each day with very very little sleep. He has struggled so much with rolling over and sleeping on his tummy. When he initially started to learn how to roll over he didn’t know what to do while asleep. So every time he would roll over in his sleep he would wake up…every…single…time… getting sleep was soo hard for the both of us. He has finally come to a point in his development where he is ok (for the most part) with rolling over and sleeping on his tummy.
All of my kids have loved to be swaddled. The transition phase from swaddling to out of swaddling is hard. For my girls they transitioned well. By 5- 5 ½ months they were able to sleep without being swaddled. Rhett has struggled the most with being not being swaddled. I wasn’t able to just quit cold turkey with him. We went from using the Halo Swaddle to the ZipADee swaddle. This swaddle is AMAZING and fits him so well for what he needs. He still wants that feeling of security but he is also rolling over in his sleep. The Zipadee swaddle is made so that he can still roll over in his sleep and have the ability to move his arms and roll back over while he is in the sleep sack. It is genius!
Rhett is eating every three hours. He is drinking a combination of breast milk and formula (to read about how I exclusively pumped for 6 months click here). He is also starting to eat more solid foods. I started feeding him cereal at four months so by now he is used to the spoon but trying a variety of foods. So far he loves apples, bananas, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and carrots.
Rhett is such a happy boy! He smiles and giggles even on the days when he is extremely tired. He is rolling over from back to tummy but still learning how to roll from tummy to back successfully. Rhett has started to sit up on his own and is a little unsteady, but he is working on his stamina.
Rhett started crawling on Christmas day so he is constantly on the move. He is soo determined to get to everything that catches his eye…which is usually everything but his toys. His wobbly hand and leg coordination, as he is learning this new ability, is precious.
He is absolutely captivated by our pets. He begins to smile when he sees one of the cats nearby or our big dog.I will usually pick him up and let him pet one of them and he thinks this is so fun and giggles the whole time.
I have to say my favorite part of his development so far is his awareness of Mattisyn and Ava and the joy that spreads across his face when they talk or sing to him. His expression turns to pure happiness, and you can see the love and admiration he has for those girls in his eyes. It melts my heart every time.