Thumbprint Mason Jars

It is the end of January and I am preparing for Valentines already. We usually don’t do anything big for Valentines, but it is nice to have something to look forward to. In the past I have not decorated much for this heart filled holiday, but I feel that my house could use a little touch of pink and red. So, I decided to add these sweet thumbprint painted mason jars.

I enjoy creating seasonal decor while getting my children involved in it. These are moments to create memories and have pieces of their work fill the house. Over the years, I have collected so many of their finger printed works that I will cherish forever.

I wanted to incorporate something with their small finger prints. Rhett is growing so fast. Both of my girls were in daycare when they were younger and created so many finger printed art work, and Rhett has very few of these pieces since he isn’t in daycare. I also love anything with mason jars and flowers. Ask me to decorate a corner in my house and it will definitely have some old books with a few jars filled with faux flowers.

So with all of this in mind, I decided to take a few jars from the attic, paint them Valentine’s Day colors and sprinkle my children’s thumbprints all around them in the shape of hearts.

Look how precious these jars turned out! I could keep them up all year because I just adore them.

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vintage chalk painted jars for Valentine's Day
Painting vintage chalk painted jars for Valentine's Day. Adding thumbprints to the jar in the shape of hearts.
Painting vintage chalk painted jars for Valentine's Day. Adding thumbprints to the jar in the shape of hearts.
Painting vintage chalk painted jars for Valentine's Day. Adding thumbprints to the jar in the shape of hearts.
Painting vintage chalk painted jars for Valentine's Day. Adding thumbprints to the jar in the shape of hearts.

How I did it:

  1. Using a mason jar or rather any empty jar found around the house or pantry, I painted the outside of the jar with chalk paint. I used a mixture of Rust-oleum’s Linen White chalk paint and red acrylic paint to give it the pink hue. This is a small project, so I really didn’t need a lot of paint. 
  2. After the paint dries, I distressed it using a fine sand paper. Using the 220 course sand paper, I slowly sanded over the corners, raised areas of the jar and the lid. I just love how they look distressed. Just a peak of the glass shows through and it gives such a worn, vintage look.
  3. Next, I added my children’s thumb prints using acrylic paint. My children absolutely loved this part. They enjoyed putting their fingers in the paint and creating the hearts around the glass. Rhett was in awe over the feeling of the paint and my girls just love anything crafty…(I wonder where they get it from… he he). 
  4. Afterwards, we set the jars out to dry. Then, I took Rust-oleum’s chalk paint clear matte finishing spray and sprayed the final coat on them. 

Look at how beautiful they look. They add just the right touch of Valentine’s to any house + memories were created and preserved on these little jars will forever be cherished!

Hand painted vintage painted jars. Chalk painted mason jars with thumbprint hearts.

I decorated some larger jars for each child as well using straight white Rust-oleum’s chalk paint and red and pink thumbprint hearts. I staggered the jars on my hutch and I just adore the color and seasonal hue they give to the room.

Hand painted vintage painted jars. Chalk painted mason jars with thumbprint hearts.
sign off for simply life with allison