DIY Sliced Orange Garland for the Christmas Tree

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It is my absolute favorite time of the year. I have put up all of the decorations and am now adding in some new hand crafted decor. This blog post is going to show you how to make a sliced orange garland for your Christmas tree. What do y’all think of this rising orange garland trend? For me, I love it.

When I first saw them, I thought they were soo pretty. Such a beautiful way to preserve nature’s beauty during this time of the year. The garland could be hung on your fireplace mantel, on your tree or laid across your dining room table. How did I not think of this before!?

sliced orange garland

Well, the process of making this is pretty simple. The biggest thing you need to make this is time at home. I say that because it takes these oranges about 5-6 hours to bake at a low temperature in the oven.

I thought about starting this project after I finished dinner one night, but after I looked at the clock, I thought that I was not going to stay up until midnight baking these. So, did this during the day and it took my oven 5 hours to bake them.

keep in mind that each oven heats differently. The lowest temperature my oven goes to is 175 degrees. I did keep an eye on them while they baked too. I checked them about every 45 minutes to an hour to make sure they were doing ok and I also flipped them over so they would bake evenly.

how to make the dried oranges:

First, using a sharp knife, slice a medium sized orange into thin slices.

image of orange slices for sliced orange garland

Next, lay them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or foil.

Set your oven to 175 degrees. once your oven has heated, place the oranges into the oven. Be sure to not forget about them because once you get busy with other things they may be forgotten.

Flip the orange slices every hour to ensure an even baking on each side.

After 5-6 hours (depending on how dried out you want your oranges to look), take the slices out of the over and allow them to cool. I allowed mine to cool for an hour before I started manipulating them.

image of sliced orange garland. wooden beads on a sliced orange garland

To make the garland, I used jute and a plastic needle to sew the string through the orange slices. I also added some cute wooden beads in between the slices. You could add other things such as cranberries, pinecones, cinnamon sticks, or anise spice stars.

image of sliced orange garland

Look at how beautiful this looks sparkling with the Christmas lights. Such a fun and easy craft.

happy decorating!

need more decorating ideas? Check out these adorable paper bag snowflakes!

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