The Best Children’s Christmas Books to Spark Holiday Magic

I am a sucker when it comes to collecting children’s books for each season. I think it is the reading teacher in me that gets me all giddy when I find new books to read with the kids.

Each year, I purchase the children a new Christmas book. I wrap it up with new pajamas and they get to open it Christmas Eve night. Inside each book I make sure to date it and show who it was given too. It’s been so fun to see the list of names grow as the years have gone by. In the beginning it started out with gifting them to only our oldest daughter and now our family has grown to four little ones.

Over the years, we have added lots of books into our collection. I am here to share with you a list of some books to add to your Christmas book collection. Whether you’re a fan of heartwarming classics or looking for a modern twist on holiday tales, this list is sure to add a sprinkle of excitement.

Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.