Snowy Pinecones

I am going to show you how to easily give pinecones a “snowy” look for your winter decor. This diy is easy to do and budget friendly.

It’s January. All the Christmas decor has been put away and now its the transition from Christmas decor to winter decor. I wanted to keep the feel of winter throughout the house but didn’t want it to continue to look “Christmasy”. You can read my post here about how I transition from Christmas to winter decor.

Along with whites and natural greenery, I also added a lot of pinecones to my winter decor. However, after looking at them for a few days, I felt that they needed something added to them to give them some character. I decided to try adding some “snow” to them. Something that looked realistic and decorative. Snowy looking pinecones I thought would look perfect.

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Salted Pinecones to give a snowy look.


Materials needed to create snowy pinecones.

How to Make Snowy Pinecones:

Using the paintbrush, dip it in the glue and begin painting the pinecone needles. Giving an even distribution of glue on the needles works best so an even distribution of “snow” is collected.

Applying glue to the pinecone using a small paint brush. Salted Pinecones to give a snowy look.

Sprinkle the kosher salt on the needles as you are painting the leaves. I recommend to sprinkle the salt on the pinecones over a container or sink to catch the pieces that don’t stick. You can use the left over salt pieces on areas that didn’t catch as much salt.

Salted Pinecones to give a snowy look.

You can either give your pinecone a super snowy look by applying glue to each needle or you can distribute the glue on a few needles. I tried both strategies on my pinecones and I love the look of each one.

Continue these steps on all of your pinecones until your desired look is achieved. The glue will dry clear in the end, so don’t stress about the glue looking heavy in the beginning. Just have fun with it!

Salted Pinecones to give a snowy look.

This diy craft is really not complicated. I love easy diys especially when they can really change a space in a simple way.

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